Salina, KS, February 14, 2017 (Newswire.com) - Thanks to FieldTurf’s innovative EasyField portable turf system, the residents of Salina, KS, can now enjoy their favorite field sports year-round.
This past week, the Salina City Commission voted 5-0 to purchase FieldTurf’s EasyField system. To be used in the city’s soon-to-be-completed Salina Fieldhouse, a multipurpose athletic space that will be home to sporting events from January to December.
Salina Parks and Recreation Assistant Director Steve Hardesty presented EasyField’s proposal to the city commission, saying his department chose FieldTurf because of its international reputation.
“The panels are mainly used in hockey arenas in the northeast part of the country and Canada,” Hardesty said. “The people that have been using it up north have been using it for some time now and really like the results.”
Hardesty went on to say that Salina Fieldhouse’s EasyField will make the city’s complex one of the most unique facilities in the entire Midwest region.
The fieldhouse project requires over 1,200 EasyField panels and can be installed in a day by a team of workers.
The EasyField portable field system is made of interlocking 3.5-foot by 5-foot panels that weigh roughly 21 pounds. Each panel is designed for easy installation and removal.
Hardesty said the simplicity of the EasyField's installation was a big reason why they chose the FieldTurf product over traditional roll-out turf. The fieldhouse isn’t big enough to accommodate the heavy machines required for full-fledged soccer, baseball or football fields.
EasyField gave the city a durable, simple solution that didn’t require use of large machinery.
The key to the EasyField turf system is its series of interlocking connectors that can withstand repeated installations and removals.
The connectors keep their shape over time, which means athletes can enjoy a reliable surface for a variety of sports.
Each EasyField panel features 45 millimeters of compressed foam that provides long-lasting shock absorption and meets key industry requirements.
The portable turf system also performs well in ball-specific tests, keeping competition fair and fluid for Salinas’ recreational sports enthusiasts.
Prior to getting EasyField, Salina’s city leagues were limited because they didn’t have enough space for additional courts and fields.
The ease of installation that comes with EasyField gives local communities and schools a new, affordable option for expanding their athletic programs.
Learn more at easy-field.com
Source: FieldTurf